Healthy, Reliable, Delicious Meat…

“We begin to work from Erzurum, Horasan, Kemerli Village to Istanbul Commercial Exchange with livestock brokerage. 

We plan slaughtering where we buy, transporting with cold chain, performing selling instead of transport livestock to various places of Turkey. We establish our new company in 1996. 

ETÇİİ offers healthy, reliable and delicious meat and meat products to its consumers by prioritizing health and hygiene rules.  

The cattles and small cattles are ensured from Trakya and its region by selecting elaborately in control of specialist veterinary surgeon. 

In addition fat meats which are viewed Marble (Mermer) (Angus, Limuzin, Şarole) and the suckling veals, called as veal, are selected elaborately, these qualified meats which are not in our country are made sale to restaurants and hotels by exporting.

We combine what we acquire, what we see in our honesty and so lucky we succeed to be said “If ETÇİİ does it does the best”. 



To offer quality and flavor at the same time for meat and meat products we produce with our Brand of ETÇİİ by using the best technologies, in farthest health standards and to succeed to be indispensable. 


To determine and perform requirements and expectations of customers, To perform the best service by providing customer satisfaction and loyalty with our Brand of ETÇİİ in accordance with our past experience and professional attitude.